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Forecasting of Pharmaceutical Sales

Purpose: To forecast the sales of Pharmaceutical Company "X" for the next 24 months by analyzing seasonality using R programming.
Workings: Gathering 111 months of sales data, converting it into a time series, plotting ACF and PACF, using ggsubseries plot to identify seasonality, performing Box Cox transformation and taking the first difference, selecting the order of ARIMA, fitting ARIMA and ETS models, performing classical and STL decomposition, fitting ARIMA and STL models on decomposed data, selecting the best model, and forecasting sales for the next two years. 

Accomplishment: Successfully analyzed the seasonality of Pharmaceutical sales in Bangladesh and made accurate sales forecasts for the next 24 months.

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Share Price Valuation of Squarepharma-DSE

  • Valuation of Squarepharma-DSE
    Purpose: Share price valuation of Squarepharma by using fundamental analysis. The project was done as course assignment.
    Proforma statement of 5 years, macro-economic analysis, cash flow modeling and dividend discounted modeling calculations and assumptions for predicting share price after 5 years  from the date of valuation. 

  • Accomplishment: Learnings of conducting fundamental analysis of share price 

  • 2+ other valuation projects on Grameenphone and Heidelberg Cement. 

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Share Price Valuation of Grameenphone-DSE

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Share Price Valuation of Heidelberg Cement-DSE

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